New South Wales Planning & Infrastructure have released a draft plan for how they hope to shape Sydney's growth, which is where they detail the idea of a "city of cities". I thought it would be interesting to mash these smaller "cities" with 131500's transport data, and then display a map with the shortest commute to the nearest city. Various cities, I believe including Melbourne, have goals of re-achieving a "20-minute" city, or something similar (i.e. X% of the population can reach X% of the city within X minutes).
This map is the first stage. It only displays the commute time to St Leonards from every Mesh Block in the greater Sydney area. I used the open source tool OpenTripPlanner to computer the commute times, with OpenStreetMaps to support walking distances. The next map I release will probably have all the regional cities, and a similar styled map depicting time to nearest "centre".