I'm currently studying French with my partner, and if you've read any of this site, you'll notice I'm a bit of a techie. Often several of my interests collide, which is what happened today. I was searching for the "most frequent french words," and while I found some lists, nothing was exactly what I wanted.
My desire was to have a PDF of the top few thousand most used French words. With the English translation next to it. In order. I've found some great resources, which I'll list now
- 347 most frequent French words (78% of French conversations)
- Wiktionary entry of 1750 most frequently used French words
The 3216 Most Unofficially Frequent French Words (or download as ODS format)
More to come...! I'm going to continue building the database to make sure the ranking is correct, and will make some pretty graphs when I have time. I will also likely modify things to include what type of word it is, and an example in a sentence.
Please feel free to use this list as you see fit in accordance with CC by 4.0