You can easily see that I am a big Linux fan, I've mentioned this over and over. I've also mentioned that I'm finishing up my MCSE, which started as a dare with my buddy, Ian. In the process of studying for my MCSE I've developed a certain amount of respect for Windows Server 2003, yet I'll comment more on this later.
What I really wanted to write two paragraphs about was an interesting discovery I made today. I happened to stumble over to Microsoft's hardware site, and noticed in my little Server Spy monitor that it was running IIS/7 -- the first time I have seen this anywhere. Upon further investigation I perused their GoLive program, which details several ways to test drive IIS7. There are some details about Microsoft's setup, which one would expect to be impressive. And it is. So, if you are a Microsoft person, you may want to grab a test drive of Beta3 while you still can.